Boy surface
Inspireret af skulpturen af Boys overflade, har jeg lavet en wireframe udgave af overfladen.
Mirland lavede et nyt sexet skrivebordstapet:
Scenen er baseret på en simpel funktion som kan forvandle enhver 2D-parametrisering til en wireframe model.
;; Stroke a path with cylinders with spheres as joints
;; A path is a function from [0,1] to R^3
(define (stroke-path path radius mat num)
(let ((result '()))
(dotimes i num
(let* ((t1 (/ i num))
(t2 (/ (+ i 1) num))
(p1 (path t1))
(p2 (path t2)))
(set! result (cons (make-sphere p1 radius mat) result))
(set! result (cons (make-cylinder p1 p2 radius mat) result))))
;; Make a wiremesh out of a parametric surface.
;; @param surface-func the parametric description of the surface
;; as a function (u,v) -> R^3.
;; @param u-wires number of wires in the u-dimension.
;; @param v-wires number of wires in the v-dimension.
;; @param u-num number of cylinders to build each u-wire with.
;; @param v-num number of cylinders to build each v-wire with.
;; @param radius radius of the wires.
;; @param mat material of the wires.
(define (make-parametric-surface-as-wireframe
surface-func u-wires v-wires u-num v-num radius mat)
(define result '())
(do ((u 0 (+ u 1))) ((= u u-wires))
(set! result (append result
(lambda (t) (surface-func (/ u u-wires) t))
radius mat v-num))))
(do ((v 0 (+ v 1))) ((= v v-wires))
(set! result (append result
(lambda (t) (surface-func t (/ v v-wires)))
radius mat u-num))))